Post trip brandstofcalculator

Elapsed trip time in hours:
Start Of Trip Fuel In Gallons In All Tanks:
Capacity of fuel in Gallons:
Gallons Per Hour (GPH) Consumption Rating:
Calculated Fuel Ramaining: Gallons
Current Fuel Load: Gallons
Beginning Fuel Load: Gallons
Topping Tanks (Jet A) Would Increase Current Weight: Pounds
Topping Tanks (AvGas) Would Increase Current Weight: Pounds

Post trip brandstofformule

Een gewicht per gallon (DW) = 6.84

Luchtvaart benzine Gewicht per gallon (GW) = 6.00

Totale capaciteit (avgas) brandstofbelasting gewicht = (brandstofgewicht) * (GW)

Begin brandstofbelasting = brandstofgewicht * tank

Berekende brandstof RAINING = (ST) - ((TT) * (GPH))

Huidige brandstofbelasting = brandstofgewicht berekende brandstof

Post trip brandstofcalculator